He likes cooking. She likes eating. She's a Mac. He's a PC. She watches Bachelor. He watches The Walking Dead. He does the dishes. She does the laundry. She was homeschooled. He was not. She's a product of the 80's. So is he. Their style is mid-century modern mixed with IKEA and handcrafted Amish. They love God. They love each other. They love Simon and Betsy. They are blessed.

Baby Herschberger: Week 24

Well, this post is a little late, but I’ve been a little busy! The rest of this year is just going to be a whirlwind I think. Hopefully we have a little calm before the storm, ahem, birth. :)

Well, Monday was my birthday! I am 27 years old now, and feeling just fine with that. I went into the office on Monday and they had decorated so festively for my birthday, I didn’t snap a picture of the front part of the office, but did snap a picture of the fun little guy they made for my desk. :) Alt text

I had a nice day at work and then came home to Kyle cooking me dinner and mom-in-law delivering some random goodies, like some of Kyle’s baby clothes and a blanket that Kyle’s great-great grandma made and his dad used. I’m thinking of hanging it in the nursery (I LOVE old quilts).

The rest of the week was work, work, work, with a little fun mid-week when the family got together for my birthday. I am so grateful for the wonderful family I married into! Alt text

My parents are in California right now, visiting my brother/sister-in-law and my mom’s sister and family. I have enjoyed seeing pictures of their galavanting and mom wrote me an email one night just describing all the fun and tasty food they’ve been eating. :)

For the weekend Kyle and I parted ways - he went to Texas for work, and I went to Indianapolis for a baby shower and to relax and go shopping. His trip was HOT - it was upper 90’s the whole time and he was working an outdoor booth at an RV show. My trip was lovely! I enjoyed the baby shower so much and spending time with Cara and her friend Alia that evening, and I enjoyed some time alone - I took a bath, watched lots of America’s Got Talent, and went shopping on Sunday. Here are some pictures from the shower. Alt text

Sunday night I got back just in time for our second session of Financial Peace University, which I’ll do a whole separate post on because I’m really excited about it!

«Pregnancy Update»

Weight gain: I have gained 12 pounds total.

What I’ve been eating: We have been so busy that we have not been meal planning and that means I don’t eat as healthy as I could/should be. When I’m done working in 6 weeks meal planning and grocery shopping are on my high-priority to-do list.

Baby/pregnancy purchases: On Sunday I wandered Target for a couple hours (seriously, I think I was there at least 2 hours) and I looked at diaper bags in person for the first time. Ugh. I was not impressed. So I posted on Facebook asking moms if they had advice and whether or not diaper bags are all they’re cracked up to be and if I could get away with just using a nicer looking tote bag, tons of people commented and I ended up picking up a nice large faux leather tote back with 4 external pockets at Target. I also got this diaper bag insert thingy that my mom found on Amazon, I am very exited! I considered different kinds of bags (backpacks, cross body, etc..) but ultimately I like carrying a shoulder tote bag the best - never been a big fan of backpacks and cross body bags hurt my shoulders sometimes, so I think going with what I like to carry is going to be best. Alt text

Babies growth and development status: Phone app says that at 24 weeks baby Si is the size of a cantaloupe. His skin is becoming less translucent and his lungs have developed.

«Pregnancy Ramblings»

It’s weird writing my post late, because I want to talk about the last 2 days, but I want to save it for the Week 25 post! So, I’m going to call it quits here. Goodnight!

posted September 17, 2013

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