He likes cooking. She likes eating. She's a Mac. He's a PC. She watches Bachelor. He watches The Walking Dead. He does the dishes. She does the laundry. She was homeschooled. He was not. She's a product of the 80's. So is he. Their style is mid-century modern mixed with IKEA and handcrafted Amish. They love God. They love each other. They love Simon and Betsy. They are blessed.

Baby Herschberger: Week 14

Another busy week with fun and travel in the mix. :) We got back from Ohio Sunday evening (with a funny story), worked Monday and Tuesday, and then started our vacation to Florida on Wednesday!

Because our travel last weekend didn’t start out as planned (I picked Kyle up at the outlets in Fremont at 5pm instead of the Ft. Wayne airport at noon) it threw us off and by the end of the trip… well… we forgot to pick up the car in Ft. Wayne until we were 5 minutes from our house. Oops! Since we live an hour and a half from Ft. Wayne we decided to deal with it after work Monday rather than spend another 3 hours in the car (Kyle had just driven 5 hours) but then my parents who were coming to spend the night with us Monday night offered to come pick the keys up Monday afternoon and get the car for us! We are so thankful they could do that, and the car ended up having a flat tire which would have been impossible to deal with late on a Sunday evening, and somehow my dad was able to get a used tire with a good amount of tread on it put on for free (thank you Discount Tire of Ft. Wayne!).

So Monday we were both able to put in full days at work, then spent some time hanging out with my parents when they got in. Tuesday morning I went into work late so I could spend the morning with my parents. Mom sewed some buttons on a shirt for Kyle and finished the king duvet turned shower curtain project. Dad put up the hanging wire we got at IKEA (did I mention we went to IKEA in Ohio and got a bunch more little things for the house?!) and helped me take my MacBook apart - we were planning to replace the left fan but ended up just cleaning a TON of dust out of both fans and putting the same ones back in. This is what it looked like when we took the left fan out: Alt text

After putting in a shorter day at work trying to wrap up as much as possible before vacay I headed out to have dinner with Kyle’s parents/brother/sister-in-law. We had a fun evening talking and laughing :) Wednesday morning we slept in a little, Kyle made a yummy breakfast and then I got in bed with my laptop and worked for a couple hours while Kyle napped. Then I started packing and worked on that while checking work email off and on. The work email continued throughout the day right up to at the gate that evening where I got an overdue ad emailed to a vendor. Alt text

On Thursday (the 4th of July!) we took our time driving from Sanford up to Orange Park. We took a smaller road the whole way and stopped in some little towns. Our favorite was DeLand where we discovered Casey’s on the Corner - an awesome hot dog restaurant. We split three dogs (above, top right): the Reuben, the San Antonio, and the M.O.R.K. Friday began the wedding marathon (the main reason for the trip). We met the bridal party at 9am over at the reception venue to unload stuff and set up. Keri did the most incredible job planning the details of this wedding and it was fun seeing her vision come together into such a beautiful event. I snapped a few pictures of the room after we were done, but this is before the fluorescent lights were off and the candles were lit. The room absolutely sparkled when that happened! Alt text

We did that till our 3pm nail appointment which took longer than planned and made us late for the rehearsal followed by the rehearsal dinner. By 9pm I was pretty whooped and we headed back to the hotel and I took a hot bath, got my stuff organized for the wedding day and went to bed!

Saturday was wonderful - the wedding and everything went very well! We were ahead of schedule most of the day, Keri looked AMAZING, and we had a good time! Kyle and I enjoyed hanging out with the other bridesmaids and their significant others.

Sunday took us back to DeLand for more Casey’s on the Corner, and not just a couple dogs, Kyle wanted to do the 13 dog challenge. They have 13 different gourmet hot dogs and they have a challenge where if you eat all 13 in one hour you don’t have to pay, you get your picture on the wall, and you get a free t-shirt. This all seemed pretty out of character for Kyle and while he tried pretty hard and downed the first 6 in less than 20 minutes he was done after 7 and a few bites. Our friends Jared and Becca met us there to cheer Kyle on (along with a few locals who saw it on Facebook).

After lunch we made our way to our resort in Orlando, Bluegreen Vacation Fountains. Alt text

We used Choice Hotel points that Kyle racked up through work to get a room, and since this is a timeshare resort the smallest room is a 2-bedroom apartment with a full kitchen and washer/dryer. The four of us enjoyed the afternoon at their huge pools and finished the evening at Benihana. It was my first hibachi experience (that I can remember) and while I loved the show, despite the fact that I arrived starving I was stuffed after a small bowl of soup, a few bites of salad and 1/2 a small bowl of sticky rice. So I sat there semi-miserable as he served me a shrimp appetizer (included with the meal) and then my entree of a filet and scallops. I wanted to eat it so bad but felt too full/nauseous. Dang pregnancy. Well, on that note, here’s the pregnancy update:

Weight gain: Weighed myself the morning after returning from vacation and was shocked to see the same number once again. No weight gain! Again, I guess that’s OK since I had extra weight to begin with, but we’ll see on Friday at my appointment.

What I’ve been eating: Still loving the milk. The first day of vacation when we were still at home most of the day we were out of milk and I was pretty sad. We got a 1/2 gallon when we got to FL and I drank that every night. I’m also definitely into sweets more than before. I’ve always liked savory breakfasts more than sweet and since I’ve been pregnant it’s been sweet breakfasts all the way.

How I’ve been feeling: Not sure if it’s just vacation and being on the go, but I have felt nauseous multiple times and never really felt all that sick until this week.

Baby/pregnancy purchases: I bought maternity shorts! I wanted a 4th of July outfit and we stopped at Target on the way to the airport. The plan was to just buy a cheesy t-shirt or tank top, but Target is apparently too classy for that so I ended up buying a white cami, red tank top and a pair of maternity denim bermudas. The shorts just have a 4 inch stretchy waist band, not the full belly panel and I LOVE them! I didn’t want to buy a new pair of regular shorts in my normal size knowing they wouldn’t fit soon and am very happy I bought these.

Babies growth and development status: Baby is the size of a lemon, about 3.5 inches long, and is busy making different facial expressions!

posted July 9, 2013

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